A personal approach to talk about the term everyone is talking about.
“You need a good mindset. Your mindset is everything. Mindset accounts for at least 75% of your success.” Who has never heard one of these almost mechanical sentences. Whether from athletes, weekend-entrepreneurs or online coaches — the mindset is the beginning of everything, so they say. But what exactly is (the) mindset? Quite intuitively, I searched this term in Google to look up which definition is displayed to me first. Surprisingly, there was no surprise. Mindset functions as an umbrella term for the attitude or thinking of each individual.
Different views of the mindset
Even though it seems so simple, the mindset can differ immensely from person to person. One tends to have negative view of things and be rather cautious, while others seek challenges and always think it will turn out nicely. Mindset can stand in our way in certain situations or motivate us and give us new impulses in others. But where does it all come from? Many people encounter new circumstances or experiences with a certain skepticism. This has a lot to do with their own safety and comfort zone. People are unwilling to leave their safe environment. This feeling is reinforced by the opinion of society, when we fear rejection. If an opportunity is classified as risky or unsafe, this message spreads like wildfire from our brain into every nerve in our body. The mindset is conditioned from the beginning to rather deny the matter and keep us in a state of comfort and safety. People with a more adventurous mindset don’t fear away from whose situations that often. And we all should take them as an example, here is why:
“One of the things I’ve learned about vision is people will grab it mentally or, have a crab mentality.” — Onyi Anyado
While evolutionary the cautious reaction sounds sensible, in our modern society, we should gear towards an approach in which each person creates their own experiences. Sometimes they might seem risky or delusional, but that is how humans learn. Through experiences connected with emotions. And believe it or not, that sometimes leads to failure. But that’s what makes us grow. Due to the rapid spread of information, there is hardly anything left to discover. There are opinions on every product, travel destination, job or company publicly available. That is not consequently bad or unhelpful. However, sometimes we should not rely on them but rather challenge our mindset, that keeps us in place.
Fast Tips
Our mindset should not be dominated by the opinions or experiences of others. We should condition it, so we see an opportunity in unknown situations, rather than expecting failure. I have collected some quick tips that can be integrated into your everyday life. Just try them out and maybe write a personal experience or event in the comment section. I look forward to an interesting exchange.
- Say YES more often! With a quick “yes” we are oftentimes already in the process without giving in to our doubts beforehand.
- Replace “That can’t work” with “That will work”. Our brain loves repetitions, and if we tell it more often that everything will work, it will also start to believe it.
- Count every success, no matter how small, and recognize it as a victory across the board. We often forget what we have achieved so far. This includes every obstacle we’ve overcome, no matter how small! Become aware of your achievements to remember how good you actually are.
- Rise up… and lift others up with you. You know any people in your social circle who could use that little positive impulse? Be the person who gives it to them. Even if we won’t always be able to do it for ourselves, we can offer support for others and motivate them. At the same time, their strengthened mindset is also a tailwind for us.
You got this. I believe in you.
**Disclosure: We only recommend products we would use ourselves and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.